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actualités des expositions

Rayures dans la mer, tâches dans la savane : atelier créatif de Laura Mertz
Samedi 29 février du 15h au 17h
Atelier créatif + goûter à Coutume (12€)

Quentin Garel

exposition photo

MuséOthérapie, l’Art de se sentir bien !
Conférence Samedi 8 février à 15h :
« Art détox »
Estelle d’Almeida, chef de pr...

Ariane Loze - Une et la même

Fabien Tabur présente Buisson Ardent

ERWIN WURM Photographs


antoine poupel
GROUP SHOW : 1970-1990, Regards sur la création havraise

Jusqu’au 22 février 2020

vladimir skoda
GROUP SHOW : L’œil et la nuit

elissa marchal
SOLO SHOW : Horizons


Picasso - Cocteau: A Top Artistic Encounter

By Megakles Rogakos
MEGAKLES ROGAKOS M.A., M.A. | Art Historian & Exhibition Curator

The exhibition, which includes 190 works, is mostly based on pairings of coexistence and juxtapositions of Picasso and Cocteau, and is clearly divided into three thematic sections - Mythology, Life and Death, and Portraiture. The first section against a green background eloquently reveals the identity of the protagonists with classical mythological hybrids – of Picasso with the Minotaur and of Cocteau with the Satyr. It further explores Picasso’s focus on Bacchus, Pan and the Centaur, and Cocteau’s love for Orpheus and the two-faced Janus. Furthermore, it gives the opportunity to show Picasso’s passion for the nude as well as Cocteau’s interest in homoeroticism. The second section focuses on parallel subjects that deal firtly with life through eros, the carnival, the circus and the theater, and subsequently death as expressed in rituals with bulls - mainly taurokathapsia (bull-leaping) and bullfights. It is worth noting that the cream background in which this section is presented has been affected by the ceramic works that dominate the space – Picasso’s Arena (1958) and Cocteau’s Harlequin with Club (1958). The third section against a blue background concerns portraiture, where favorite authors of both artists are texturally and stylistically contrasted – Balzac, Colette, de la Fontaine, Nietzsche, Proust, Shakespeare and Tolstoy by Cocteau, and Balzac, Casagemas, Góngora, Jacob, Rimbaud, Tolstoy, and Valéry by Picasso. The opportunity is given through the works also to see how the artists conceptually render the woman’s face. Also of interest is the comparison of a variety of self-portraits of the two artists, who express in a variety of ways their talent and genius. By the end of the exhibition becomes clear its central idea, as the curator Takis Mavrotas summarizes it, “By means of the work, Picasso and Cocteau fend for the freedom of erotic love, of the unconventional life and the liberation of thought” (2015: 277).

The works of Picasso come from Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster, Germany, while those of Cocteau from the Ioannis Kontaxopoulos Collection. The exhibition was launched in Münster in the aforementioned anniversary of 2015. The Athenians have the privilege of visiting the exhibition in Theocharakis Foundation thanks to indefatigable colector Ioannis Kontaxopoulos, a legal scientist of Brussels, who has allowed his collection to travel in Europe and Asia since 2011. The exhibition is curated in Athens with exemplary integrity by the Foundation’s director of visual program, Takis Mavrotas.

Athens, 18 February 2016

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Richard Streitmatter-Tran

Mavrotas, Takis, and Markus Müller. Picasso - Cocteau: Pioneers of Modernism. Athens: B. & M. Theocharakis Foundation, 2015.
Jean Cocteau. Le Rappel à l'ordre. Paris: Delamain et Boutelleau, 1926.

Public Information:
Curator: Takis Mavrotas.
Duration: 4 November 2015 - 28 February 2016.
Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10:00-18: 00, Thursday: 10: 00-20:00.
Tickets: 7 € (normal) 4 € (students and over 65), Unemployed: gratis.
Contact: +30 210 3611 206, info@thf.gr, www.thf.gr.
Address: 9 Vassilisis Sophias Avenue, Athens, GR 10671.

Richard Streitmatter-Tran Richard Streitmatter-Tran Richard Streitmatter-Tran
Richard Streitmatter-Tran Richard Streitmatter-Tran Richard Streitmatter-Tran
  Richard Streitmatter-Tran

Christophe Cartier au Musée Paul Delouvrier
du 6 au 28 Octobre 2012
Peintures 2007 - 2012
Auteurs: Estelle Pagès et Jean-Luc Chalumeau

Christophe Cartier / Gisèle Didi
D'une main peindre...
Préface de Jean-Pierre Maurel

Christophe Cartier

"Rêves, ou c'est la mort qui vient"
édité aux éditions du manuscrit.com